IDE Extensions

The set of extensions that integrates the API-design essential tools into their everyday work.

Table of contents

  1. Summary
  2. SPA deployment
  3. Installation


These set of extensions were built with a cooperation mindset between them: they increase the capabilities of each other, including markdownlint and Spectral.

The API hub provides the rating of the modules evaluated on the Scoring service, giving you real-time insights into what score to expect. For every rule broken, you can easily open the respective file/line on your IDE! And it works with Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ.

To work, the API hub uses an in-IDE-integrated SPA, that displays visual information about the broken rules and uses bidirectional communication with your API files.

In the VS Code, you can take advantage of the Spectral quick fix plugin to easily correct the linted errors. See in the previous gif how errors are corrected with a click!

Check the repository!

For these tools to work, you must deploy the Scoring microservice: the main piece of the scoring system. Learn how in the Scoring service section.

SPA deployment

You need to have the SPA running so that the extensions are working seamlessly. To do so, you need to deploy the SPA locally with the following commands:

  1. Clone this repository:

     git clone
  2. Place yourself in the correct directory:

     cd plugins/spa-apiscoringviewer/code
  3. Install the dependencies:

     npm i
  4. Once the process finishes, start the SPA:

     npm run start


To install the extensions, you just need to search for all the following extensions in the IDE’s marketplace and download them.

VS Code Marketplace IntelliJ Marketplace

Table of contents