Optimize your APIs with the API Scoring Suite

This open-source API-First-based Scoring service evaluates your APIs according to a set of rules that the user can customize.

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The API Scoring Suite is a set of tools that can help you achieve the best API you can get. It is made of the following components:

Component Subcomponent Functionality
Scoring system Microservice The main piece that certifies an API with a grade according to a certain set of rules. It gives you an overall score according to how well design is your API.
Rulesets The set of rules that nourishes the scoring service. They can be customized or changed by a new set.
API The entrance gate to the microservice. Its endpoints are used by the scoring tools like the CLI or the extensions.
CLI The command line tool that helps you to easily get an instant result of your API's scrore from your terminal. You can also display which are the rules that have been compromised with a verbose command.
IDE Extensions API Hub This extension, along with a local SPA, is able to retrieve a visual and interactive review of your API's design.
Quick Fix It allows you to instantly correct any rule breach with a click. This extension is able to remove or add new content to your API specification file.

Get started

Let’s start and see how to build the whole ecosystem up!

  1. First of all, you need to deploy the certification microservice. To do so, follow the Microservice installation guide.

  2. Test the microservice by Installing the CLI.

  3. Once you have verified that the microservice is up and running, you can now deploy the SPA that the API Hub extension will use later on.

  4. Install the API Hub in VS Code or IntelliJ and configure it to work with the scoring service.

  5. Install the Quick Fix to design faster!

About the project

API Scoring suite is © 2023-2024 by Inditex Tech.


The API Scoring Suite is distributed by an Apache License 2.0.


When contributing to this repository, please discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change. Read more about becoming a contributor on the CONTRIBUTING page.

Thank you to the contributors of the API Certification Suite!

  • janton-inditex
  • albalro
  • dependabot[bot]
  • rgranadosd

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